Sunday, April 3, 2011

Science and how it connects with Frankenstein

As we can see in the book, Victor Frankenstein has vast knowledge in science, and in the field of anatomy. He is able to construct the creature using various body parts that he collected. He knew how muscle and arteries worked. Victor Frankenstein professor also mention about the scientist who discovered blood circulation and scientist who used microscopes to make miracle happens. His professor quotes “They ascend into the heavens; they have discovered how the blood circulates, and the nature of the air we breathe” During the 18th century William Harvey figured out how blood circulate throughout the body. The book mention the scientist that made major contribution in the field of science and is able to show various medical improvements that were made during this time. We can see that Victor Frankenstein interested in science motivates him to come up with new experiment and making new discoveries. Scientist during the 18th century also wanted to make new scientific discoveries, so that science can expand even more.

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