Sunday, April 3, 2011

"The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire"

The British Empire and the English Slave Trade 

The dominion of the British Empire took place during the 16th and the late 17th century. This was one of the most largest empires recorded in history. The area that was conquered was made up of 20% of the worlds terrain during that time. The Empire was composed of various countries such as Barbados, Australia, Ghana, Guyana, India and many more. 

Slaves of the British Empire mostly consisted of Africans imported from various areas of Africa. During this time, the British sought to establish sugarcane plantations on the location of their colonized Caribbean Islands. Most of the slaves they had kidnapped, were brought to the Caribbean during the Royal African Company (1672); basically a monopoly for the English slave trade. There were no blacks located in the Caribbean before this time; but but 1680 the rate of Africans residing in the Caribbean reached 70,000. Unfortunately, slaves were used as a kind of currency; traded for the purchase sugar and other foreign goods. Of course these trades only benefited the slave traders..

-- Deborah A.

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